National Archives and Records Administration
In 2016, the National Collection of Aerial Photography (NCAP) began a digitisation partnership with the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The ongoing objective of this collaboration is to digitise and provide access to the extensive holdings of aerial photography held by this federal government agency.
Opening up Millions more images
NARA is an independent agency of the United States federal government that preserves and shares public records tracing the story of the USA, its government and people. From its Washington, D.C. headquarters NARA carries out its mission through a nationwide network of Presidential libraries, research facilities and online platforms.
The bulk of NARA's aerial photography have been transferred from the Defense Intelligence Agency through declassification initiatives. This imagery was predominantly created by the US Navy, US Army Air Corps and US Air Force for military reconnaissance and mapping projects. The collections also include significant volumes of captured Second World War-era aerial photography originally produced by the German Luftwaffe (code-named GX), and the Imperial Japanese Army Air Service or the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service (code-named JX).
Transatlantic Cooperation
Through our joint-venture digitisation unit, thousands of images are digitised every month. Focusing on aerial photography from the Second World War digitisation request are managed through curated programmes that fill gaps in NCAP holdings or meet large project objectives.
These digital copies are then transferred to NCAP for further image processing and cataloguing by our subject specialists and metadata team.
Enabling access to aerial photographs of locations around the world, the digital imagery created through the partnership is made publicly accessible via NCAP's Air Photo Finder.
Read more about the Collection on the NARA Collection page, or visit the NARA website.
The Medmenham Association
With significant elements of the NCAP collection originating from RAF Medmenham, our relationship with the Medmenham Association remains a valuable one.
The University of Edinburgh - external
NCAP is committed to collaborating with staff and students at the University of Edinburgh, to further understanding of our collection and provide valuable research opportunities.
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
NCAP has been an early adopter of EIDF, providing them with our huge dataset of 30 million images to work with while accessing their critical mass of expertise in return.
Directorate of Overseas Surveys Partnership
Working with Stockholm University and the University of California (Berkeley), this partnership delivered a pioneering digitisation programme.