Freedom of Information
1. What is the publication scheme?
The National Collection of Aerial Photography is subject to the Historic Environment Scotland scheme which has been prepared in accordance with Section 23 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
The purpose of this publication scheme is to set out:
- the classes of information Historic Environment Scotland publishes or intends to publish
- how this information is published
- whether this information is available free of charge or on payment of a fee
2. Who is responsible for the scheme?
The scheme is the responsibility of the Chief Executive. Day-to-day maintenance of the scheme is the responsibility of:
Adam Jackson, Historic Environment Scotland
John Sinclair House
16 Bernard Terrace
Tel: 0131 662 1456
Email: (link sends e-mail)
This publication scheme will be reviewed periodically. We welcome feedback on how the scheme can be developed further. If you want to make any comments about the scheme or if you require any assistance, please email (link sends e-mail)
3. What classes of information does Historic Environment Scotland commit to publish?
Historic Environment Scotland commits to publishing the information listed below.
- Corporate Information:
- Annual Review
- Corporate Plan
- Board Minutes
- Board Members' Declaration of Interests
- Policy documents
Please note that the archives held by Historic Environment Scotland and its commercial publications are not included in the scheme.
4. What is exempt?
We aim to be as open as possible. However, information may be withheld where it is considered that the disclosure may fall within one of the exemptions contained in the Act. E.g. information may be withheld where:
- its disclosure may seriously prejudice law enforcement, legal proceedings or regulatory or enforcement activity
- is prohibited by law
- its disclosure may seriously prejudice the commercial interests or confidentiality of any person or organisation
Information that is considered to be personal data under the Data Protection Act 1998 will also be withheld. In these cases, we will indicate why the information is being withheld.
5. How do I access the information?
Anyone wishing to access information held by Historic Environment Scotland can do so by various means.
Most of the documents listed in this scheme can be downloaded directly from this website by clicking on the links shown.
On request
You can also request copies of documents to be sent by email or by post. Please note that there may be a charge for this, see the section on our charging policy. You can write to us, email us or phone us to make your request:
Historic Environment Scotland
John Sinclair House
16 Bernard Terrace
Tel: 0131 662 1456
email (link sends e-mail)
If the information you request is not available via our website, but is listed in our publication scheme, we will send it to you by email or post. When requesting information, please include your name and address and the information or documents you want to see.
If you need further information to help you determine which documents you want to see, please contact us and we will be happy to help. Historic Environment Scotland will respond to your request for information within 5 working days.
Personal visits
Documents can also be consulted in the Historic Environment Scotland public search room at John Sinclair House, 16 Bernard Terrace, Edinburgh from Monday to Friday between 9.30am and 4.30pm.
6. What is Historic Environment Scotland's records management policy?
Historic Environment Scotland is in the process of reviewing its Records Management policy. Once this process is completed, an up-to-date policy detailing the Record Retention and Disposal Schemes for all documents created and held by Historic Environment Scotland will be made available through this Publication Scheme.
7. What about copyright?
Crown Copyright covers the material detailed in this publication scheme unless otherwise stated. Historic Environment Scotland has delegated authority from the Queen's Printer for Scotland to administer copyright. Information provided under this scheme is for personal use and cannot be reproduced or circulated without Historic Environment Scotland's written consent. Authorisation to re-use copyright material not owned by the Crown should be sought from the copyright holders concerned.
8. Re-using Public Sector Information
Read (link is external) the Historic Environment Scotland policy on the re-use of public sector information.
9. How much will it cost?
Documents provided under this scheme are free of charge. For individuals without access to the internet, we will provide a single print-out of a document (or site record from Canmore) free of charge. Printing or photocopying charges will be made for multiple copies (>2) or large quantities of documents (>5) and in these instances the applicant will be informed of any costs prior to the commencement of the work. Payment will be required in advance.
Commercial publications will be charged at the advertised retail price. For a list of books and details of prices and availability, consult the publication page or contact us.
10. How do I make a complaint?
If you have a complaint about the way in which your request was handled please write to the Chief Executive at the following address:
Historic Environment Scotland,
John Sinclair House,
16 Bernard Terrace,
Tel: 0131 662 1456
Fax: 0131 662 1477
E-mail: (link sends e-mail)
If we are unable to resolve any complaint, you can complain to the Scottish Information Commissioner whose contact details are:
Scottish Information Commissioner
Kinburn Castle,
Doubledykes Road,
St Andrews,
KY16 9DS
Tel: 01334 464610
E-mail: (link sends e-mail)
Further details on the formal appeals process are available on the Commissioner's website.