Guides How to Order Undigitised Images

How to Order Undigitised Images

Not all National Collection of Aerial Photography (NCAP) collections are digitised and shared on Air Photo Finder or the Legacy Website. Using the historical finding aids, you can request images for Scan on Demand. 

1. Find your required images

Refer to other How-To Guides to help you read and interpret Second World War and Ordnance Survey finding aids. 

These will give you detailed sortie and frame reference numbers which are required for your order.

Tip: When ordering images from sortie plots, we recommend ordering the frame identified (e.g. 5050) plus the frames on either side (e.g. 5049 and 5051) to ensure that your area of interest is covered.

Guide for OS finding aids   Guide for Second World War finding aids

2. Open the Image Order Form

Access the Image Order Form on the Legacy Website, which will provide you with three tabs to complete. 

This form will help the Sales Team manage and deliver your order efficiently.

Image Order Form

3. Sales Enquiry Tab

Input your sortie/mission and frame references information into the text box provided. 

Select the desired product type for your entire order. This can range from a lower resolution, 72ppi, research quality copy to an optimal resolution, up to 2000ppi, photogrammetric image. 

Tip: If your desired resolution isn't available, our Sales Team will be in touch to help you define the best resolution possible for your needs. 

A screenshot of an image order form. It includes instructions on how to complete the form, contact details for getting in touch with NCAP and fields for a customer to complete. A tab labelled ‘Sales Enquiry’ is highlighted with a blue circle.

4. Licence Tab

Specify your intended image use. You can review our information on pricing and licensing to help inform your request. 

You can also request additional services such as Image Verification or a Letter of Authenticity in the 'Additional Information' field.

Tip: If you have more than 20 sorties to order, our Sales Team can provide you with a spreadsheet template for large orders. This can be added to your order with the 'Choose File' button. Contact the team and they will be happy to provide the template to you.

Pricing and Licensing  Contact Us

A screenshot of an image order form. It includes instructions on how to complete the form, contact details for getting in touch with NCAP and fields for a customer to complete. A tab labelled ‘Licence’ is highlighted with a blue circle.

5. Your Details Tab

Provide your contact and billing information to fulfil your order.

This information is required for licensing details. 

Tip: We do not use any personal details for any other purpose than those stated. See our Privacy Notice for further details. 

Privacy Notice

A screenshot of an image order form. It includes instructions on how to complete the form, contact details for getting in touch with NCAP and fields for a customer to complete. A tab labelled ‘Your Details’ is highlighted with a blue circle.

6. License Agreement

After submitting your order, we'll send you a License Agreement via email. You will need to confirm your order details and review the quoted price for your order. 

Tip: At this stage, you have the option to either proceed with or cancel the order.

You will need to accept the licence to proceed to payment and complete your order. 

A screenshot of an image licence. It includes a reference number and information on what the licence permits. A blue circle has been drawn around a section titled ‘Actions’ asking a customer to click a button to accept the licence.

7. Payment

Upon acceptance of the License Agreement, you'll be prompted for payment. 

Payment must be completed before images are delivered. 

A stylised blue credit card icon indicating ‘payment’.

8. Delivery

Once payment is processed, you'll receive a download link via email to access your imagery. This link will remain active for only 7 days, allowing you to download the files for your usage.

Tip: The automated link will be sent from

A stylised blue envelope icon indicating ‘email’.

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A blue support for large rolls of film with a black winding handle. A black and white aerial film is being supported on the winder. It is lit from below with a white light.

How to Order Undigitised Images

Not all NCAP collections are digitised and shared on NCAP's Air Photo Finder. Using the historical finding aids or a paid search service, you can request images for scan-on-demand.

An Ordnance Survey map of the Orkney Islands. Islands coloured white are surrounded by a sea represented in blue. The map has been annotated with coloured lines showing where aerial photos were taken.

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